A few years ago, I turned down a request by the Davidson Farmers Market to possibly create a painting for them to use on their posters. I would like to say it was because I was too busy......but, really......I was too greedy. And, I didn't have that understanding of what people should do for their communities. That to be a part of a community, you actually have to contribute something worthwhile! So I missed out and another artist got the pleasure of creating the poster.
A fellow artist, Davidson resident and all around lovely lady offered me some friendly advice. 'Sometimes when you are part of a community, you have to contribute without thinking about yourself'.
Okay, actually.....I can't remember the exact wording but it was something like that and very profound.
I never forgot what she said and I have ever since been haunted at my being so self centered. I felt like the outsider in the midst of this wonderful, accepting and 'team-player' oriented community of which I had moved into to.......yet did not quite 'fit into'.
I've never been much of a 'group person' but always wanted to be part of a team. I've just never truly known what that meant. Most artists are 'solo performers'......we work alone. It's hard to make the switch. It takes time. It takes having a model. It takes lot's of decision making that does not come naturally. Change is hard. It's an everyday process.
Looking back on the process.........which begun with a friend working at the gallery calling me and telling me I HAD to do this...... I can't believe the voluntary teamwork. My family and friends got nothing out of it! They just DID it. Why???
Life and all that's in it is truly not meant to be done alone. We are meant for community and friendship and helping each other and so, so, so much more!!! And, I can't tell you how wonderful and humbling and fullfilling and.....humbling, again......to be given a chance to be part of something special....... to really be part of this community I've grown to love so much. It feels good. I'm so very, very, thankful.
Thank you to my beloved, small, quaint home of Davidson. You have my undying gratitude.
And, thank you to my sweet, irreplaceable and supportive friends and family. You have my heart.
The official 2014 'Christmas in Davidson' ornament can be purchased at Sanctuary of Davidson, The Village Store, The Rumor Mill Markets and Online (ship or pick up in the gallery!).
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